+ other activities
Cooperations – Installations – Alternative Media Work
In addition to the films listed in the filmography, there have also been works in cooperation or as a commission, and I would like to point out two of them: Ballerina and the film about Trude Levi .
The installations described below were created together with Wolfgang Schemmert, parallel to the beginning of my work as a filmmaker – Marilyn und Tau Memory.
The beginning of my interest in film is connected with the emergence of the video movement in the 80s and the possibilities of alternative media work, at that time with Japan Standard I video technology and then with U-matic lowband. I worked with the Videowerkstatt Bornheim group in Frankfurt, which broke up in the early 1980s. Afterwards, in a team of two or three, often together with citizens’ initiatives, we realized videos and showed them at events and in pubs and institutions. In this context, I will mention these works: Winterwideo , What would the state be without its walls ? and Robototal .
2014, 6:21 min.
in cooperation with Pendel Marionetten
Marlene Gmelin and Detlef Schmelz
Trude Levi “Ich habe den Krieg gewonnen”
Prod. Ziehenschule Frankfurt 2011, DVD, 91min
The following people contributed to this film: Mark Berthold, Martina Faltinat, Nora Foerst, Erika Hahn, Elias Himmen, Jürgen Jessen, Lara Karbalaie, Britta Kastern, Andrzej J. Koszyk, Andrew Lazar, Elaine Lederman, Lilo Mangelsdorff, Edith Marcello, Jennifer Marx, Malte Rauch, Renate Rauch, Erika Surat Andersen, Brigitte Volhard, Lena Weifenbach, Esther Zeschky
together with Wolfgang Schemmert
interactive computer installation
1996, KunstArt Frankfurt, Bockenheimer Depot
The projection of a video beamer shows the face of Marilyn Monroe, it changes in response to the movements of the audience. 24 different portrait photos of Marilyn Monroe are stacked in a computer. They are coordinated in such a way that if you flip through them, they would result in a short film, just like in a flip book.
In contrast to the classic cinema projection, this installation does not scroll image-by-image, but pixel-by-pixel.The face is permanently layered on top of one another from the various partial images. The movements of the audience in the room are registered by a video camera arranged in a top view. The video signal from the camera is digitized by the computer, analyses and transferred to the visible Marilyn image as a virtual mask. The Marilyn-film is transported pixel by pixel at those points where the video camera registers significant movements of the audience. Depending on the movement of the audience, sections of the 10th, 2nd and 15th cadres are visible at the same time, the layers increasingly flow and permute selectively.
Tau Memory
together with Wolfgang Schemmert
1988, interactive computer installation
Galerie Werth, Frankfurt
Closed-Loop Installation, which deals with the disintegration of a video image in an infinite copying process.
A camera films the monitor. With the help of two older video recorders with open reels, a tape loop and an electromechanical synchronization controller, the video signal is delayed by around 20 seconds, mixed with a computer-controlled font and graphics generator and displayed again on the monitor. Visitors to the installation involuntarily step into the field of view of the camera when looking at the monitor image and are thus involved in the process of decay. The selection of the displayed texts encourages meditating contemplation.
together with Wolfgang Schemmert
1985, U-matic, 18 min.
Experimental documentary video on the emotional state in the metropolis winter.
Screenings: Experimentalfilmworkshop Osnabrück, Frankfurter Filmschau, Freiburger Videoforum
What would the state be without its walls?
together with Wolfgang Schemmert and Petra Baumgardt
1984, U-matic, 76 min.
Documentary video about the resistance of the citizens’ initiatives against the Runway West and the political disputes during its commissioning.
Screenings: Freiburger Videoforum, Frankfurter Filmschau and at numerous events.
together with Wolfgang Schemmert
1984, U-mativ, 27 Min.
Experimental documentation on cabling and computerization, on the occasion of the introduction of the new plastic identity cards in Germany.
Screenings: Freiburger Videoforum, Frankfurter Filmschau and at numerous events.